Through her story of brokenness, Melanie Smiles offer hope, knowledge and encouragement to others facing the same of similar circumstances, inspiring them to seek and know the same God who saved her. Beauty does not exist in brokenness itself, but in how we allow it to restore and transform us into better versions of ourselves, so we may become Beautifully Broken.
Ms. Melanie
From one author to another author, this book was very well written and healing to my spirit. You gave an inspiring message with God's word. Your description of narcissist in on point with the one I encountered. Thank you for sharing your story, I'm glad God delivered and healed you Queen.
Thank you Queen for blessing us with this book. This book was good i love it. I read it two times. I'm sorry you had to go through so much in your marriage to someone that don't value or respect women. You are a strong women be ready for the real man of God is sending you. I am inspired and using your book for our next book club. I am working on getting my faith stronger and your book motivated me to read by bible so i can be a better person for God and myself. Thank you for writing about your broken smiles and inspiring us from Grand Bassa, Liberia.
This is by far one of the best books I've read all year! I began reading it and did not stop until I was completely finished. Melanie was so transparent with her experiences, which I'm sure took a lot of courage to publish. This book is filled with honesty, inspiration and growth. I really enjoyed every chapter. It's a must have!
- Octavia